Cookie Policy

1.1. DILEGAL CONSULTING, S.L., informs you that this website: (hereinafter, the “Website”) uses cookies that help optimize your visit. If you continue browsing this Website, we consider that you accept its use.

1.2. A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their computer and, depending on the information they contain and how you use your computer, they can be used to recognize the user.

1.3. DILEGAL CONSULTING, S.L. is obliged by Royal Decree-Law 13/2012, amending Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and E-Commerce, to inform and obtain the user’s consent regarding the use of cookies on this Website.

Types of cookies

2.1. According to the entity that manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and treats the data obtained, two types can be distinguished: own cookies and third-party cookies.

2.2. There is also a second classification according to the time they remain stored in the client’s browser, which can be session cookies or persistent cookies.

2.3. Finally, there is another classification with five types of cookies according to the purpose for which the obtained data is processed: technical cookies, personalization cookies, analysis cookies, advertising cookies, and behavioural advertising cookies.

Cookies used on the Website

3.1. DILEGAL CONSULTING, S.L. uses the following analytical cookies:

ac_cookies: technical and strictly necessary cookie that contains the value of whether the installation of cookies has been accepted. Expires in 1 year from the last update.

_ga: Google Analytics cookie that enables the function of controlling unique visits. The first time a user enters the website through a browser, this cookie will be installed. When this user returns to the website with the same browser, the cookie will consider it the same user. Only if the user changes browsers will it be considered another user. Expires after 2 years from the last update.

_gat: This cookie is associated with Google Analytics Universal. It is used to limit the speed of request – the limitation of data collection on high-traffic sites. Expires after 10 minutes.

_utma: Google Analytics cookie that records the date of the first and last time the user visited the website. Expires after 2 years from the last update.

_utmb: Google Analytics cookie that records the time of arrival on the website. Expires after 30 minutes from the last update.

_utmc: Google Analytics cookie used for interoperability with the urchin.js tracking code. It is deleted when the browser is closed.

_utmt: Google Analytics cookie. This cookie is used to process the type of request requested by the user. Expires at the end of the session.

_utmv: Google Analytics cookie. This cookie is used to segment demographic data. Expires at the end of the session.

_utmz: Google Analytics cookie that stores the source of traffic or a campaign to explain how the user came to the website. Expires after 6 months from the last update. More information about this and disabling the use of these cookies can be found here.

3.2. Through web analytics, no information is obtained about the personal data of users, ensuring the protection of their privacy. The information obtained is related to the number of users accessing the website, the number of pages viewed, the frequency and repetition of visits, their duration, the browser used, the operator providing the service, the language, the terminal used, or the city assigned to their IP address. This information enables better and more appropriate service by this Website.

3.3. In addition to the analytical cookies referred to in point 3.2, this Website uses technical cookies that allow the user to navigate through the Website and use the different options or services that exist in it, such as controlling traffic and communication of data, identifying the session, or accessing restricted access sections. Technical cookies are:








3.4. When the user accesses the pages or profiles of DILEGAL CONSULTING, S.L. on different social networks, they accept the use of cookies by them.

3.5. Due to the characteristics of the Internet, we do not always have information about the cookies placed by third parties through this Website. Therefore, if you come across this type of cookies on this Website and they are not described here, please inform us. You can also contact the third party directly to request information about the cookies they place, the purpose, and duration of the cookie, and how they ensure user privacy.

Changing cookie settings

4.1. The user can allow, block, or delete the cookies installed on their computer by configuring the options of the browser installed on their computer.

4.2. For more information on Microsoft Edge, click here.

4.3. For more information on Firefox, click here.

4.4. For more information on Chrome, click here.

4.5. For more information on Safari, click here.


Calle Pinar, número 5, Madrid, 28006


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