Legal Warning

1. Object

This legal warning regulates the usage and utilization of the web site; which owner is DILEGAL CONSULTING, S.L. (from now on, WEBSITE OWNER).

The navigation inside the web side of WEBSITE OWNER, makes you a user of the site, this means the acceptance of all the conditions published in the legal warning, noting that all those conditions could be modified without previous notification by the WEBSITE OWNER, in which case, it will be published and notify with the maximum anticipation possible.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to read carefully the content of this legal warning, in case you want to access and use the information and services offered in this web page.

Furthermore, the user, commits to make a correct usage of the site in accordance with law, good will, public order, traffic usages and the present Legal Warning, and will respond in front of the WEBSITE OWNER or third parties, for liquidated damages as cause of the breach of the obligation mentioned above.

Any usage different to the authorized one, it is completely forbidden. The WEBSITE OWNER can deny or retire the access and usage in any moment.

2. Identification

The WEBSITE OWNER, in the compliance of the Law 34/2002, from July 11th, of the Society Services of the Information and E-commerce, informs:

  • Corporate Name: Calle Santa Susana, 41, 5º-7, Madrid, 28033.
  • Fiscal Code: B16689382

3. Communications

If you want to contact us, you can do it in the following email address:

All the notifications and communications among users and the WEBSITE OWNER, would be consider efficient, whenever they happen through any channel mentioned above.

4. Access and usage conditions

The access to the web site and the services included in it is free. However, the WEBSITE OWNER could ask the user to complete a questionary to use some services offered in the site.

The user guarantees that the provided data to the WEBSITE OWNER are authentic and updated and will be the unique responsible of incorrect or fake declarations.

The user commits to do a responsible usage of the contents and services of the WEBSITE OWNER and to not:

  1. Spread illegal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, (apologia del terorismo) contents, or in general, against the law or public order
  2. Introduce in the network any informatic virus or execute any type of activity that could change, interrupt, or generate errors or damages in the e-documents, data or physical and logics systems owned by WEBSITE OWNER or third parties; as well as block the access to other users through the massive consumption of the informatic resources, through the ones the WEBSITE OWNER provides his services
  3. Try to access other users email accounts or restricted areas of the informatic systems owned by WEBSITE OWNER or third parties and, if so, extract information
  4. Violate copyright or industrial property rights, as well as violate the privacy of the information of the WEBSITE OWNER or third parties
  5. Supplant the identity of another user
  6. Reproduce, copy, distribute, provide, or any other form of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless the rights owner authorizes it, or it is legally possible
  7. Collect data with advertising purpose and forward publicity of any kind and communications with selling purpose or commercial intentions, without intervene previous request or consent

All the contents in the web site, like texts, photographs, graphs, images, icons, technology, software, as well as graph design and font codes, constitute a work which belong to the WEBSITE OWNER, and cannot be considered transferred any kind of exploitation rights, except the strictly needed for the correct usage of the web.

Ultimately, users who access this web page, can visualize the content and, if needed, make private copies, always authorized, if the reproduced elements will not be assigned to third parties, or installed in servers connected to networks, neither are object of any kind of exploitation.

Furthermore, all brands, commercial names, distinctive signs of any type which appears in the web page are property of the WEBSITE OWNER, and cannot be understood that the usage or access to it provides to the users any type of right over them

The distribution, modification, transfer or public communication of the contents and any other act which has not been specifically authorized by the exploitation rights owner are completely forbidden

The establishment of a hyperlink does not imply in any case, the existence of relations between the WEBSITE OWNER and the WEBSITE OWNER where is established, neither the acceptance and approval by the WEBSITE OWNER of the contents and services.

WEBSITE OWNER is not responsible of the usage that each user does of the materials provided in the web page.

  • Exclusion of guarantees and responsibilities in the access and usage

The content of the web page is generic and has informative target, without guarantying fully the access to all contents, exhaustiveness, correction, validity or actuality, neither its suitability nor utility for a specific target.

WEBSITE OWNER excludes, to where the legal system allows, any type of responsibility for liquidated damages of all natures derived of:

  1. a) The impossibility of accessing the website or the lack of truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, and/or timeliness of the content, as well as the existence of defects and faults of any kind in the content transmitted, disseminated, stored, made available, or accessed through the website or the services offered.
  2. b) The presence of viruses or other elements in the content that may cause alterations to computer systems, electronic documents, or user data.
  3. c) Non-compliance with laws, good faith, public order, traffic customs, and this legal notice because of the misuse of the website. In particular, and by way of example, the WEBSITE OWNER is not responsible for the actions of third parties that violate intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, rights to honour, personal and family privacy, and personal image, as well as regulations on unfair competition and illicit advertising.

 Likewise, the WEBSITE OWNER declines any responsibility for information found outside this website and not managed directly by our webmaster. The purpose of the links on this website is solely to inform the user about the existence of other sources that may expand the content offered on this website. The WEBSITE OWNER does not guarantee or take responsibility for the operation or accessibility of linked sites, nor does it suggest, invite, or recommend visiting them, so it will not be responsible for the outcome obtained. The WEBSITE OWNER is not responsible for the establishment of hyperlinks by third parties.


If any user or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances revealing the illegal nature of the use of any content and/or the performance of any activity on the web pages included or accessible through the website, they must send a notification to the WEBSITE OWNER properly identifying themselves and specifying the alleged infringements.


The administrative information provided through the website does not replace the legal advertising of laws, regulations, plans, general provisions, and acts that must be formally published in the official gazettes of public administrations, which constitute the only instrument that attests to their authenticity and content. The information available on this website should be understood as a guide without legal validity.

5. Applicable legislation

These conditions will be governed by current Spanish legislation.

The language used will be Spanish.


Calle Pinar, número 5, Madrid, 28006


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